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Why Is Packaging Important?

Packaging plays a vital role when it comes to consumer decisions.  Product packaging is not only protecting the item; it also communicates the brand value to the consumer.


Read more about Consumer Packaging Business.

Makes your Brand Unique

There are over thousands of products in the market competing for buyer’s attention. According to the research, 1/3 of the decisions made by the consumers are solely based on packaging. To succeed, your product has to stand out and look different from the competitor product. 

Its a Marketing Technique

Your product can market itself through in-store advertising. Branded products are easily recognizable, so having a Brand logo in the center will help the consumer to remember your product when they are out for shopping.

Do you know Color Influences Your Behaviour ?

The color plays a key role in consumer buying decisions. According to color experts, our brain reacts to color differently, for example, White means pure, Navy Blue means Professional and Sky Blue means Playful. 



Brand logos are not just some pretty icons over a packaged product, Successful brands try to keep the same brand logo to make sure the consumer can identify brand easily.

Consumer Packaging

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